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The RADICAL team recently had the opportunity to share their project findings at conferences held in Dresden, Warsaw, Amsterdam, Bucharest, and Berlin.
RADICAL Project Consortium, May 2023 The RADICAL consortium gathered 4-5 May in Dresden, Germany for its 2023 General […]
In this guest post, we sit down with atmospheric chemist, air sensor expert and RADICAL project advisor Professor Matthew Johnson.
Creating the RADICAL sensor as told of each of our partners across Europe.
Introducing our communications and project management partners at UCC Academy.
RADICAL Project Consortium, April 2022. After 1.5 years of monthly virtual meetings and online deliverables, the RADICAL project […]


Download our 4th and final RADICAL project newsletter for updates on our progress in the fourth year, as well as recent blogs, team profiles, and events.

Download our 3rd RADICAL project newsletter for updates on our progress in the third year, as well as recent blogs, team profiles, and events.

The RADICAL newsletter is issued annually in October between 2021 and 2024.

Follow our progress with RADICAL